Forests and Climate Change ProgrammeTechnical Cooperation (TC Module)
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FORCLIME actively participated in the celebration of the International Day of Forests (IDF) in Indonesia which has been organized by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) since 2015. The MoEF held a series of events, which took place at the Manggala Wanabakti premises, Jakarta on 21 March 2019, such as drawing & colouring competition (for elementary school); VLOG, making short movie using drone, speech competition (for high schools) and a one-day exhibition (for public). This year, the focus of MoEF was on youth with the theme ‘“Rekreasi Edukasi Rimbawan Milenial” (Recreation Education Millennial Foresters). There were at least 1000 participants at the events.
In addition, a talk show was conducted on the topic of Forest Education and Youth. Since the focus was on young generations, applying the latest technology and apps to communicate to the millennials about the importance of forests for ecology, economic and social functions is necessary.
In December 2012, the United Nations declared March 21 of every year as the International Day of Forests, with the aim to celebrate and raise awareness to the public on the importance of all types of forests and trees, which grow outside of forests. This year’s theme is Forests and Education.
For more information, please contact:
Mohamad Rayan, Adviser for Crosscutting Issue and Conflict Management
The Bulungan Forest Management Unit (KPH Bulungan), supported by FORCLIME, organized a farmer field school to introduce mixed- farming (agroforestry) on 21 March 2019 at Long Lasan Village, Peso Sub-district, Bulungan, North Kalimantan. 20 members of a local farmer group, Kelompok Tani Hutan Lasan Belua, joined the training. Due to the field training the farmers gained knowledge and practice on how to produce organic fertilizers for more productive and more environmentally friendly harvests, no chemical fertilizers are used within the production process.
The field school event is facilitated by members of IPAMA, an agroforestry extension workers association, who already conducted a similar field training in Malinau district, North Kalimantan. The event conducted in Bulungan is based on the successful experience of the one undertaken in Malinau. After the field school event, KPH Bulungan will train local farmers in mixed-farming including planting coffee.
Since 2015, local famers have grown paddy, coffee and various fruit plants on a land of 100 hectares, which is located within the KPH Bulungan area. Mr Suriantoh, one of the extension workers from the KPH Bulungan stated that currently, the KPH Bulungan initiates plotting 10 hectares of the land for an agroforestry progamme and planting coffee that will be managed collaboratively with local farmers through a forestry partnership, one of the Social Forestry schemes.
For more information, please contact:
Mohammad Sidiq, Province Coordinator North Kalimantan
FORCLIME, in cooperation with other GIZ programme - Low Emissions Oil Palm Development (LEOPALD) – and the Conflict Resolution Unit of the Indonesia Business Council for Sustainable Development (CRU-IBCSD), conducted a first meet-up for participants of an on-the-job mediation training on 20-21 February in Tanjung Redeb, Berau, East Kalimantan. The workshop was attended by 28 participants, representing agencies working on conflict in the land sector of Berau’s district government and local NGOs.
The on-the-job mediation training aims to improve hands-on mediation skills of local government and civil society practitioners regarding multi-stakeholder natural resource conflicts. The practitioners are trained to mediate real conflicts in their district under the guidance of the experienced mediators. The objective of the meet-up was to create mediation teams, introduce the first steps of a conflict assessment and search for conflicts suitable for mediation within their district.
For more information, please contact:
Johanna Riedmann, Adviser for Monitoring and Planning
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