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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

2022 03 10 LokaTulis Penyusunan Master Plan Kab Konservasi dan Masyarakat Hukum Adat Kab Tambrauw mb 2

Since 2019, the Tambrauw District Government, acting through the Secretariat of the Working Group on the Conservation District and Customary Community of Tambrauw has been engaged in the preparation of a Conservation District and Customary Community master-plan document. In order to ensure the completeness of this document, the involvement and cooperation of stakeholders through processes of partnership will be required. The resulting document that is ultimately produced should be able to accommodate the interests of stakeholders through transparent, participatory and accountable processes. Commencing with the drafting process, it was seen as necessary to hold a writing workshop in order to bring all of the relevant parties together to discuss and systematically formulate a development plan for the conservation district and customary community that will be implemented in the long-term (25 - 35 years). The purpose of the workshop was as follows:
1. To seek agreement on the division of tasks and roles of each development partner as regards the completion of the Master Plan for the Conservation District and Customary Community.
2. To facilitate the process of drawing up materials that will be used in the Master Plan for the Conservation District and Customary Community of Tambrauw Regency.
3. To seek agreement on the implementation of public consultations in relation to the Master Plan for the Conservation District and Customary Community of Tambrauw District.

The workshop was held on 10 March 2022 in Manokwari and was opened by the Head of Bappeda for Tambrauw Regency, Mosce Woria, S.IP., MIP. The writing workshop was supported by FORCLIME and was attended by representatives from various West Papua provincial government agencies, as well as academics, development partners and non-governmental organizations working in West Papua.

The expected results of this workshop encompass the following areas:
1. The addressing of various areas relating to fisheries, conservation and tourism, as stated under Chapter 2;
2. The identification and tackling of various problems and strategic issues; and
3. The identification of management directions for each local partner over the short term (five years), medium term (10 years) and long term (15 - 20 years).

The workshop started with an explanation of the progress of the Conservation District Master Plan document given by Dr. Sepus M. Fatem, Deputy Chancellor 1 of the University of Papua and Expert Staff Member for the Regent of Tambrauw Regency. This was then followed by a presentation on Spatial and Regional Planning given by Zulfikar Mardiyadi, S.Hut., M.Sc., a lecturer at the Faculty of Forestry at the University of Papua. This session was moderated by Dr. Jonni Marwa, a member of the Main Writing Team from the University of Papua.

Prior to more in-depth, thematic discussions, several local partners completed various presentations which were grouped under five themes, specifically:
1. Theme 1: Forest cover, ecosystem conditions, ecology, mining conditions and forestry and plantation concessions, which was given by the WWF;
2. Theme 2: Customary communities, mapping of customary areas and protection of customary rights and community empowerment, which was given by SAMDHANA;
3. Theme 3: Oceans, coasts and the management of marine and aquatic resources, which was given by CI;
4. Theme 4: Food security, health, customary women and customary education, which was given by the Kaoem Telapak Foundation; and
5. Theme 5: Clean governance support for Conservation Districts and Customary Communities, which was given by GIZ CPFS.

After each theme had been presented, Prof. Dr. Roni Bawole and Dr. Rully Wurarah, as the Main Writing Team from the University of Papua, gave an explanation of the Preliminary Draft of the Regional Development Plan for Tambrauw Regency for 2023 - 2026. The Regional Development Plan is aiming to:
1. Formulate a general description of regional conditions;
2. Formulate an overview of regional financial management;
3. Translate the applicable vision and mission; and
4. Determine various priority programmes.

The prepared document will be followed up by a public consultation process that will be initiated in conjunction with local governments and other stakeholders, ultimately resulting in a public document that will be used by all parties. This public consultation will be held on 4 April 2022 in Fef, Tambrauw Regency.

For more information, please contact:
Melanesia Brigite Boseren, Junior Adviser for Rural Livelihood, Forest Management and Conservation
Nita Yohana, Adviser for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for West Papua Province
Mohammad Sidiq, Strategic Area Manager for Sustainable Forest Management and Coordinator for Papua and West Papua Provinces

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz