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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)
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 Forests and Climate Change Programme
 Technical Cooperation (TC Module)

2023 06 23 Stup budidaya lebah Survey Produksi Madu ah 1

In an effort to assist community groups that are occupied in the villages around their working areas, the Lore Lindu National Park, supported by FORCLIME, has been collecting data on potential non-timber forest products (NTFPs), as produced by the Village Conservation Management Agency (LPKD) in the villages of Baku-Bakulu and Sigimpu in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi. This data collection is being aimed toward the development of a good business ecosystem, as well as at improving the institutional capacities of LPKD. This activity was carried out on 23 June 2023 through visits that were made to the LPKD in the two villages.

The village of Baku-Bakulu produces palm sugar which will be developed into refined sugar in the future when market conditions are conducive, prices are higher and sustainable production can be guaranteed. LPKD Baku-Bakulu has ten groups that are producing palm sugar, however, only seven of these groups are currently active, while the other three groups only commence production when demand is high enough. LPKD Baku-Bakulu can produce palm sugar in amounts of approximately 10 kg/group/day.

Meanwhile, the Sigimpu LPKD is currently focusing on developing honey through beekeeping activities that involve Apis cerana, which produces high-quality honey. This activity has only been underway since March 2023 and has involved the construction of 50 beehives in which the bees can produce their honey.

The development of NTFPs is expected to boost the incomes of the residents of the two villages. After completion of the data collection process, a follow-up meeting will be held that will discuss ways to maximize the role of each group in order to ensure high levels of production through the utilization of existing resources. In addition, institutional strengthening activities will also be implemented to optimize forest management among the communities concerned.

For more information, please contact:
Arif Hidayat, Junior Advisor for Forest and Biodiversity
Ismet Khaeruddin, Senior Adviser for Biodiversity Focal Point for the KFW Forest Program 3 and Provincial Coordinator for Central Sulawesi

in cooperation with ministry of forestry and environment Supported By:
Cooperation - Republic of Indonesia and Federal Republic of GermanyImplemented-by-giz